Stupid car alarm going off! What to do!?


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2005
Dumbass neighbors are out of town apparently, and left their car alarm on.

This thing has been going off every once in a while for the last 2 days (like 5-6 times an hour)

What do we do about this?
bust the window, pop the hood and disconnect the battery
rig up a fake bomb and plant it under the car,... then go to Phone booth and call it in! that should take care of it alright.
Use your Jeep or a buddies truck to drag it into a spot that isn't a parking space.
Then call a tow company and have it towed for being illegally parked.

Legally speaking - nothing you can do.
isnt it a noise violation though?????how can they do nothing.

put on some gloves and throw a rock throgh the window.............................
Even if it IS a noise violation (unlikely b/c that is for intentionally caussing noise, not accidents) it just meanst he owners get a fine, not that teh cops have teh authority to get into or take the car.

Chuck is on the money on this one. Clip the wires, and tape a friendly note to it along w/ some wire nuts to repair the cut.
This reminds me of a story...... About a year or so after I bought my jeep I was cleaning under the hood, and the siren got wet. Well the alarm went haywire. I disconnected the battery, damn thing is still flipping out. VERY VERY LOUD WITH THE HOOD OPEN, so I said F it, I'll just cut the wires to the siren and re attach them later. Then I'm standing there a detached siren in my hand and it's still going off (at this point I'm thinking OK WTF do I do now?)..... As I'm holding this deafening siren in my hand I see a Coke style keyhole... I see a matching key on the keychain and it shut the damn thing up. I broke out the alarm manual and discovered the siren has a built in backup battery. I then also remembered the previous owner told me about it.........
Most have a lift thing built into them so if the get towed then it shuts the thing off may try to jack it up of have it lifted with a tow truck they should know. Think if it hits 20 to 30 deg it turns off....
Actually, lifting/towing will set them off.

I used to laugh my ass off hauling those down the road when I was driving wrecker. horn/ siren blaring, lights flashing, sometimes the owners chasing on foot. Most of the time it was on instruction of the police department. Ahh, the days of hook and book !
Most have a lift thing built into them so if the get towed then it shuts the thing off may try to jack it up of have it lifted with a tow truck they should know. Think if it hits 20 to 30 deg it turns off....
Just like Arnold Swartz....swartzeneger...whatever.....did on the movie twins with Danny Devito. Pick it up from the back.............Got Hi-lift?:popcorn:

The card board must have done nothing, that POS is going off again.

Its raining now, and i didnt feel like walking all the way over. I loaded up my Airsoft gun and took a few shots at it.

The card board must have done nothing, that POS is going off again.

Its raining now, and i didnt feel like walking all the way over. I loaded up my Airsoft gun and took a few shots at it.

Just think, if you would have already busted the window, opened the hood and cut the battery cable, you could now pride yourself in knowing that the interior is now getting cleaned as well.

Save the folks a dead battery AND cleaned the interior. Man what a good deed doer you are !!!
Hey my method may not be pretty but its damn effective