Support for Bob Thibodeau's wife and Service information


Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
Mar 18, 2005
Reidsville, North Carolina
Many of you know Bob had been out of work for a while and he had no insurance when he passed away.
Most of their savings had been used during this time and they could use some assistance.
We will discuss what the CTB can do as a Club at the next ride but;
We are also going to "Pass the Hat" at the club ride next weekend and here as well via PayPal

To donate send to: and put "For Bob" in the memo

His Celebration of Life will be:
February 22 at 1:00 pm
address :
660 Butter Rd.
Reidsville, NC 27320
This will be an informal service led by the Fire Services Chaplin.
Bob was very active in the local Volunteer Fire Department.