Surveyor in Kernersville area?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2005
Triad area of NC
I am hoping to build a privacy fence in the backyard in the next couple of months and wanted to put it pretty close to the property lines.

We can see the "plat" on the GIS site, but hoping to find someone that can give us really solid info/corners that I can mark in a perm fashion and rely on for fenceline!

Thx in advance, shoot me a PM here
hey, its real easy to find your corners, you can use the map, get a rough idea were your corners are, and just go looking. they normally have some sort of markings on em such as flagging, if they are in mature[old] woods the trees might be blazed[ have 3 cut marks in em] the corners themselves will be an axle shaft if its an old spot, could be an old stone, old tree [tells you that in your deed] but most likley its an iron rod, or pipe. and for the fronts, they are normally 15' off of the edge of pavement. so once you find em depending on how far apart they are use some string to string up a line. build the fence about 1/2 a foot off the line just to prevent hostilities. if you can do that on your own yull save about 300$, or you can find your local survey company and pay em. they may charge more or less pending.