Suspension winch cable repair


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
Roxboro, NC
The cable broke on my rear suspension winch, about 8" from the loop. I need to cut the cable off evenly and put a new loop in it. Crimping it would probably be the best way to repair it. If you don't have a way to crimp it, what's the best solution? How is everyone repairing these?
I've had good success with regular old cable (wire rope) clamps.. 2 of 'em, spaced about an inch apart.. the ones you can get from Northern...
I have got the same cable locks that most winchs come with and put them in a press or use a BFH. No problem for the past 10-12 years with them.
If you can find a plase that does cable work they have a hand held press or cable clamp press in the back, did it at the beach one time at a boat shop. Just ferr spooled it and pulled the cable inside with me and they tolk it to the back and pressed it..:driver: Power up pull cable and done in a few min...:shaking:

I use a logger splice no clamps, or crimps. I've broke my cables but never at the loop.
I have a 8274-50 on a 6,000 + truck It works well.
Logger splice 101 tape the cable where you want to cut it. use a die grinder cut through the tape and cable so the end does not seperate you should have an odd number of strans making up the cable. unravel in to two strans. in my case its 3 on one side and 4 on the other. the more you unravel the bigger the loop will be. take what you unravel split it in half fold the cable over to form your loop and start winding back together. When I pay my 5$ I will post step by step pics. hope this helps