Sweet Caroline Blood and Bone Marrow Drive


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2006
I wanted to throw this out there for you guys. The Delta Zeta Sorority @ USC will be hosting there annual blood and bone marrow drive on February 16th from 12-6 at the Russel House Ballroom. This drive is one of their projects they do every year. It is done in honor of my Step Daughter that passed away from Leukemia. I as well as several others have been bone marrow donors as a direct result of this drive. If you are not on the bone marrow registry you really should sigh up. It is easy to do and not a lot of trouble if you ever get called up. I will be there to give the girls some support and to give blood. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hope to see you there.
Bump for any of you that might be intrested in coming down to donate blood and or get added to the regestry.