tank help


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Fairfax City, VA
Using the same dimensions for my SVO tank from my last thread, 55Lx23Hx11D using 10gauge metal. More than likely using SkyHiK5s guage:
If you dont mind an unusual gauge, I use a company all the time on diesel tanks that does custom gauges/senders on the cheap. You will have a small round didgital gauge though not a needle.
PM me if interested I will email their contact info.
More than likely going with Frybrid's system so that would mean using their heat exchanger http://frybrid.com/parts.htm#heat
Sooo with all that in mind, the only other thing I have to think about is the fuel pickup (I think). The guy I have building the tank says to pickup from the top, what I am looking for is ideas, opinions or just any general help on the tank subject.
Use frybrids FRYHE050 heat exchanger in the tank with the pickup stick up 2" into the middle of it on the bottom corner of the tank. I also build a slope into the bottom of my tanks

Thats how i did it on the last to tanks i built for this purpose
It will work great in the cold weather to have the heat exchange right by the pick up