tire repair


Active Member
Sep 30, 2011
oakboro NC
I have a pitbull rocker thats got a good size cut on the face of the tire anotherwords where the tred is. I took the tire to the local tire shop and they said a tractor tire patch would fix it,well it worked for about 30ft and then it failed. I am looking for a good place to get it vulcanized at around the albermarle area anybody have any sugestions?
Find a retailer that will send it to RDH tire in Cleveland, NC. They did 2 -42s and 1-38 for me. They did an excellent job all hold air. I had to promise not to use on highway . I guess liability issues with DOT. They had show on Discovery Channel about big offroad tires.
Highway use wont be a issue truck isnt street legal. I was kinda looking for sombody local to steer away from shipping the tire off but if i half to i
M & R Tire in Richfield .... They fixed a 44 bogger for me cheap .... 704 474 4101
Not sure where Oakboro is, but, Akin & Black in Hickory does ours. (Sending two there Monday! LOL!)