title question


New Member
Mar 21, 2005
i accidently threw away a title i had for a vehicle i have a while back.

i bought it from a friend who never had the title put in his name, and for the life of me i can't remember the name on the title. i only remember he was in durham.

my question is, if i provide the vin number to the dmv are they allowed to release the information on who it's titled to in their system? the title had been signed by the owner and his signature notarized.

it would be a HELL of alot easier to just try to get in touch with the last person it was titled to and ask them to do a lost title form rather than go through the ridiculous hassle of getting a new one.
a friendly police officer would be a lot of assistance here, but where would we ever find one of those :popcorn:
my question is, if i provide the vin number to the dmv are they allowed to release the information on who it's titled to in their system?

They aren't SUPPOSED to. If you know someone, it MAY help.
Isn't there such a thing as a title search, to tell you who the last registered owner is? I have never done this myself, but have heard of it many times. AFAIK the DMV can do it, but you have to pay like $40.
Funny, my brother comes over on Sat. with a stack of paperwork for the travel trailer he purchased with his M-in-law... inside was also a title for a '00 Chevy truck! Wonder if it's been "missed" by the owner? :lol:
i called the dmv, and of course got NOWHERE with the idots.:shaking:

richard, seems i've heard the same thing. i don't mind paying a fee at all.

guess i'll go hunt around on the dmv site, didn't have a chance yesterday.