TJ Coils


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2007
I am looking to replace my coil springs on a 99 TJ. I want 4" lift springs and am considering Rubicon Express, Rockkrawler, and Old Man Emu. I currently have 2" OMEs and I am happy with the ride. The jeep is a DD and I want something that is good on the road. I want some input on the RE and Rockkrawler springs but if there is something else I am open to suggestions. Thanks.
If you are looking for about 4" of lift the RE 3.5" will be about perfect for you. Your shocks will have a bigger impact on your ride quality than the springs.
I run the 4" Teraflex coils on mine. I'd strongly recommend you actually ride in a Jeep that has the coils you're thinking about.

My springs are pretty soft. I've been told my Jeep rides like slop, but I like it. When I originally went up from 3" to 4", I went from my Tera 3" springs to RE springs. I thought the ride was harsh and traded the springs out less than a month later, for the Tera 4" springs.

I'm not slamming RE, I know a lot of people love them and many hate the Tera springs. My point is, only your butt will know what's right for you. I'm sure there are plenty of people running on RE springs for you to check them out. You're welcome to take a ride in mine, if you want to see what slop feels like. :D

I have 2" OMEs w/ 2" spacers in now and I like them but i want to get rid of the spacers. That is why I am leaning twoards the OMEs but I have not had any experience with anything else.