Toyota cross pin shaft removal


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
Abingdon, VA
in the middle of installing a locker in a 7.5in IFS front end, and im tryin to remove the cross pin shaft so get the spider gears out. ive been using a nail and got the pin pushed out to where its barely not stickin out of the other end. now, its like its locked in place. i went to lowes for a punch, but there not narrow enough. what do you guys use?
thanks 88. i went to sears and picked up a set of long narrow punches. the only roll pin punch they had were to big, but these shoudl work. is it normal for the pin to seem liek its a little tougher to knock out once its gets so far? i dont wana put un needed pressur eon it. thanks again 88
you shouldnt have any problems, it might just have a "bur" on the end and is getting caught. may just need a bigger hammer lol
was planning on doin this today but its pourin the rain and i aint got no shop or nothin so i guess itll wait til tomoro. i try a sledge if i cant get it with a hammer lol
any one know how to remove the shafts so the carrier can be removed? i called ECGS and they helped a A TON but its hard to help with something liek that over the phone. i can tell where teh C-Clips are?