im putting dual in my yota and its getting a new clutch. the tranny has me stumped big time all the bell housing bolts are out and itll pull out about 1 3/4 from the block but it wont fully drop out any ideas on what to do??
Pressure plate bolts.... You should be able to rotate the crank, and you'll see where the pressure plate bolts to the fly wheel. Should be four bolts or so holding it on.
Pressure plate bolt are on the inside of the bell housing. Only accessible with the trans out. Do you have the slave cyl disconnected? Maybe trans needs to be in neutral. Starter bolts? I can't remember if it has one but some vehicles have a thin steel plate between engine and trans. May have a small bolt holding it the the bell housing?
Did you remove the shifters? unpluged the electrical? If its coming out more than an inch, you should be able to look and see where somethings catching...
It is possibe that the pilot bearing is siezed on the main shaft and will not come through the clutch spline. If you have a way of holding the transmission up while you pull the pressure plate bolts out then drop it all.
i think somthing has to be siezed, i had a slight noise when i pushed in the clutch before the tear down, i messed around with it for a little while after work and put two 2x4s in between the block and bell housing and put alot of tension on a rachet strap that goes from the rear bumper to the back of the tranny. ive been spraying pb blaster in the so maybe itll free up.
every other tranny ive pulled usually falls right out so im up for any ideas