Trailer spindles


It's a Toyota thing...
Apr 28, 2007
Anyone replaced the spindle on a trailer? My trailer has two 3500# axles. Coming back from Harlan, one hub spit all the grease out. By the time I got home the bearings were completely gone. The hub had completely eaten the bearings, races, journals, etc... The hub had started eating the spindle. I wanted to re-use the spindle, but too much material is missing. Question is this: The spindles appear to be welded on. I assume you have to grind the weld off to remove the spindle. Has anyone ever replaced a spindle? Are they sleeved into the axle tube? Are they easy to get squared up before you weld the new one on? Any help is appreciated. I guess I was :driver: too fast.
you'll have to grind the weld off or just use a port a band and cut the tube about 1/4" to the inside of the weld on the spindle. The factory spindle should not be plug welded but check before you cut. don't cut all the way through the spindle, just around it enoughto cut the axle tube; you'll need something to hold on to to pull the old spindle out.

BTW, before you remove the spindle, measure the location of it in relation to your spring hanger or some other reference on the axle. Check "level" of old spindle with angle finder and when installing the new spindle, set it up the same. Just tack weld the spindle, install hub and wheel and tire and double check alignment. OK, then remove parts and weld it out.

Put some quality tape over the seal and bearing surface area when welding to protect it.
Thanks for the info! Doesn't sound too bad.
One more question about this repair. What is the proper torque on a trailer spindle nut? Do you have to measure bearing preload or is it not that delicate?
I usually get it tight to the point the tire won't turn around 1 turn very easily then back it off about 1/8 turn or to where I can get the cotter pin through the spindle and castle nut. when I get it done it usually can free spin around about several rotations with 1 fair push of the tire.

Someone else may have a more "technical" method, but this works for me and hasn't failed me or anyone I've sold trailers to, yet :)
note to self...carry spare set of bearing and race for trailer. It is cheap insurance and can be swapped in short time.
Thanks guys. Note so self made....
hey "BUD" Just returned your call! Sorry I missed Ya Just got the missed call today not sure when U called thought it sounded like thursday??? Last week?? Oh well I see someone else has answered your question like I did on your v-mail!

hey, next time PM me here!! I am here almost "EVERYDAY" !!