If'n you were to ask our friend "Mr. Toad", he'd tell you to skip the "fluid heater" in the radiator, as our TH-400's will heat up just fine in our NON-arctic clime and would only promote the potential for water (+ antifreeze) to enter the tranny and "let the smoke out" (not really, but the adhesives used in automagics friction material is water-based). He'd also tell you that "it's a 1-ton transmission, in a 1/4-ton vehicle, driven by a 200# idiot... you have have to work very hard to fawk one up"
So, I went with no route thru the radiator, the biggest cooler I could find off-the-shelf (22K#?) *not mounted to the radiator* at the time 18 years ago... and despite incredible amounts of stupidity (some by accident, some out of necessity), mines still rockin'!