Transporting hospital employees in bad weather


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2006
This has been a long weekend for me driving Duke Hospital employees in the snow and it dawned on me that some of you might be interested in helping. Are any of you interested in helping out in the Durham area during weather events? This isn't a job offer but more for people who want to help. I just started talking to some of the hospital administration about pay arrangements but there is no guarantee. I just wanted to see if there is any interest in helping.
To do it volunteer, is one thing, to ask for money or charge is another. Under NC law, you would be a passenger vehicle for hire, that requires you to meet certain standards, and to have a commercial liability insurance. That it's self cost somewhere between $1500 and $2000. Falls under the same laws as a taxi or a Limo.
Special tag, insurance, permits and business license.
Doubt it would be worth it just to make some money
On the other hand, you can GIVE a ride, and accept a donation.