Truck wont idle, Or idles too high. 22r


New Member
Mar 18, 2008
Conway NC
Got it fixed. Thanks. This post can be deleted or whatever.
Did you mark all the vacum lines when disconnecting them? There are alot there to possibly mix up on those trucks. Double check all of your connections, check around the intake/carb for vacum leaks as well. You may also want to give a quick look to the choke, the one on my dads 'yota stuck closed and caused a similar issue. It woud idle fine cold, but the warmer it got the worse it ran until it just died.
Will check that out, and i had another 22r truck with same type of carb on it, I looked at while hooking them up.

Does anyone have a diagram or pictures of the vacuum lines? I have the book but he picture is verry small. Its a 86 22r.
Nevermind about the diagrm, i found one.
Checked the vacuum lines they looked ok.