Trying to mount power steering bracket 304


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2009
Walnut Cove NC
hey guys I started to convert my 1978 cj5 with 304 to power steering. I went to mount my pump bracket to the block and there is some hose that is in the way. It is connect to a part the seems to be bolted to the water pump. As far as I know the hose that is in the way runs under the jeep to the back somewhere. can't seem to find a pic on google any where of the part. I didn't know what the part/hose was and do I need it hooked up. If anyone can help that would be great. i can take a pic if that would help. just let me know. thanks
ok so after looking more I am pretty sure that is the fuel pump. I has two hose one with the fuel filter connected to it. The one hose is right in the way. not for sure what to do because the hose that is in the way is not to flexable. what should I do
They are hard fuel lines.Just pull them away from the block enuf to slide the bracket behind it.
The words aren't cutting it, post pics of your junk

Ditto... too confusing to get a correct answer.

Also, the I-6 & V8 fuel pumps are semi-interchangeable... the main difference is one points down from the the mount and the other points up... if inadvertently swapped in the past, you'll play hell getting the PS bracket/pump mounted...

Post some pics! :popcorn:
my fuel pump is pointing up from the mount. I can see how to reroute the hose but with it being a hard line I can't. Can I just cut the hard line and use a rubber type hose for it. I can't post pics but can email them and some one post them for me.
Go to a carquest and get a metal line and cut it down and use a rubber hose. The fuel lines should come up on the passenger side. Its a little tight with the pump and bracket but it is managable.