TV Repair?


Triad Trail Junkies
Aug 26, 2008
Anyone know anything about TV repair?
My JVC was working fine today, Ive had it a few years with no issues. Well today I was watching it and suddenly the screen went black and the blue button started blinking, I tried to call JVC customer support, good luck with that, 20 minutes (around 10 am) and no answer. Tried to do a little searching and couldn't find any for sure answers...
If anyone knows, let me know please.
Same thing happened to my Dads Samsung. Ended up being the power supply. Local shop fixed it for around $250
TV has a damaged screen already, if it ends up being expensive I will just buy another TV eventually. I have the full extended warranty from JVC, so it should be free, or very cheap if I can ever get a hold of them.
alot of times power issues with these type tv's can be related to bad capacitors. pull the cover off, inspect looking for bad caps, and get replacements from radioshack to solder in.
I know there are how-to videos on youtube that show how to do this