UNF Forest Plan Revision Comments Wanted


Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
Mar 18, 2005
Reidsville, North Carolina
Dear James "Belcher, Jr.",

The Forest Service is seeking information and comments on the need to change the current Uwharrie National Forest land management plan. The Uwharrie National Forest is managed as part of the National Forests in North Carolina. The original Forest Plan for the UNF was completed in 1986. The current conditions and trends of forest resources and opportunities for change are described in more detail in “The Uwharrie National Forest: A Strategic View,†found at: http://www.cs.unca.edu/nfsnc/uwharrie_plan/. The Forest Service is asking for comment on the topics identified in the Need for Change summary found by clicking here and for any other topics that individuals or organizations feel should be addressed during the revision process. The plan revision is an open process with numerous opportunities for the public to obtain information, provide comments, or participate in collaborative stakeholder activities. Options for the public include the following methods: (1) Participating in collaborative dialogue at public meetings, (2) reviewing and commenting on the documents, preliminary plan components, analysis results, and supporting maps found at: http://www.cs.unca.edu/nfsnc/uwharrie_plan or (3) providing input during formal comment periods. The plan includes an analysis of OHV roads in the forest. Thus, in order to preserve access to these roads please submit your comments to the Forest Service and make the voice of the OHV community heard. Comments should be submitted by December 16, 2005.

Please submit written comments to:

Uwharrie Plan Revision, National Forests in North Carolina, P.O. Box 2750, Asheville, NC 28802.

Electronic mail should include “Uwharrie Plan Revision'' in the subject line and be sent to:

More information on the UNF and Forest Plan revision process is available at: http://www.cs.unca.edu/nfsnc/uwharrie_plan/.

For additional information, please contact:
Ruth Berner
National Forests in North Carolina
Planning Team Leader
(828) 257-4862


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Thanks for the info. I hope it'll happen. I'm all for not the same old thing every time I head to URE.
All these suggestions/desires listed have been put forth for the last two years, so they're nothing new, and they're coming closer to reality due in part to user input and the fee system income. Bottom line is, if you want some things, you have to give some things. I've been hitting the trails at Uwharrie since 1972, I'm a member of the URA board and hold some USFS certifications, but that's the first time I've ever been called an "outsider." If that's what we are, so be it.
Original Thread : http://www.nc4x4.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6155

While are some good things happening at Uwharrie and the USFS in general let's keep in mind that this particular link is only a list of participant desired changes. Things happen only if we ACTIVELY support them, not HOPE! Send your comments and record your support for our sport!

I just spent an hour and a half wading through all the .pdf files. My 1st take:

1) OHV trails comprise less than 10% of the available "roads" at UNF
2) OHV use was up almost 80% from the previous study, 2nd catagory in growth
3) Rec fees accounted for over $1 million revenue during study, timber 600k, power 50k
4) The study uses high/low value and high/low risk to rate "roads" - MANY low risk roads are
closed to traffic
5) The study acknowledges the tremendous growth of "off-roading" and the positive
economic impact that growth has on the local area
6) The study acknowledges the positive tourism and economic impact of "high challenge"
OHV areas

Revision formally begins with publication of this notice in the
Federal Register. Many public comments regarding Forest Plan revision
have already been received at public meetings and through e-mail.
Additional comments on the need to change the Forest Plan should be
submitted within 30 days of the date this notice is published in the
Federal Register.

Electronic mail should include ``Uwharrie Plan Revision'' in the
subject line and be sent to:

From Richard Queen...


IF you plan on making comments to the ARRA concerning the Forest Revision
process please be positive and ask for REALISTIC objectives.
I have been to all of the forest revision meetings to date and these are
the topics that I think need to be addressed;
1.We need more law enforcement to stop abusers from destroying our trail
2. We need more parking at trailheads
3. Ask for more OHV trail mileage to accommodate the ever-increasing OHV
traffic on the trail system.
4. Ask for more high challenge trails.
5. We need to educate the trail users as they enter the trail system so
that they know the rules before they enter.
6. We need larger pull-off areas at the few high challenge areas that
exist. Passersby need to be able to get through without driving on
non-designated trails.
7. Ask for two permanently designated "mudhole" areas for ATV's to play
8. Ask that old access roads be opened for OHV trail riding.
9. State the need for more funding to correct erosion problems.

Be POSITIVE!!!!!!!!
Copy of my post to USFS: comments-southern-north-carolina@fs.fed.us.

To Whom It May Concern:
I just spent and hour and a half going over the FS revision plans for Uwharrie National Forest. These facts were important to me as an OHV user.

1) OHV trails comprise less than 10% of the available "roads" at UNF
2) OHV use was up almost 80% from the previous study, 2nd category in growth
3) Rec fees (all rec fees,not just for OHV use) accounted for over $1 million revenue during study, timber revenue 600k, power revenue 50k
4) The study uses high/low value and high/low risk to rate "roads" - MANY low risk roads are
closed to traffic
5) The study acknowledges the tremendous growth of "off-roading" and the positive
economic impact that growth has on the local area
6) The study acknowledges the positive tourism and economic impact of "high challenge"
OHV areas

I would like to see the Uwharrie OHV area developed into the tourism and economic benefit it could be for the local area and the state of North Carolina through development of more trail miles, more high challenge trails, better overall facilities for OHV camping and more vigorous enforcement of trail rules by USFS management. As a volunteer on trail maintenance days I work to help these goals become a reality, I hope I can count on your help also.