United 4WD Assoc fund raiser Challenge

Money is more important now than ever before in the fight to keep our trails open. Times are tough, but anything you can contribute will help.
honda gas or Jeep Gas??

That's funny Yeah, I run a 3 gal cell in my 4 banger trail rig, I might could swing that

BOT, I have and will continue to support our 4x4 advocates (I am a member of Grace4x4, CTB, SFWDA & UFWDA) from where I stand, I would like to have more and better communication from these orgs that I have donated to as to where we stand re: trail closure litigation. I hear something every now and then but the closed mouthness of these orgs is unacceptable, especially in light of their "we're not at liberty to disclose anything at this time" stance. IMO those that have money, time and resources invested in the fight should be in a "need to know" position if the orgs expect further support. My .02 re: bang for my trail closure buck
United's website: http://www.ufwda.org/
Features a monthly newsletter.
In many cases the groups leaders are bound by Lawers request not to discuss. The reasoning is simple, anything discussed soon becomes internet fodder and then is available to those we are fighting for access.
I don't much like it either, it's like trying to fight with 1 arm (or both) tied behind your back.
But right now its that or give up.
They could send me an email, snail mail, whatever. It dosen't have to posted on the web. If they are bound by lawyers to not discuss this with people who fund their jobs, their jobs are at risk AFAIC! I understand not passing some info out to the masses. I see NO reason to withhold info from those who have donated money and time for years to their orgs. I know what their reasons are, I just disagre with them!