URE april 20 weekend


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2005
Anyone going? I am going up with our club but was wanting to know who to look out for. If you happen to see my Jeep let me know. I want to put some faces with names on here.

My jeep

It is a purplish/blueish/blackish jeep. It will most likly have the rangler nets on
It is a work weekend. I will be there on Saturday at least maybe Sunday too.
I'm shooting to be there, mildly lifted black 4Runner, maybe w/ bikini top (if weather nice).

Zuwharrie? Will it be really crowded?
i am also going up with the club and this is what my jeep currently looks like with the addition of the verticalexcursions.com banner across my windshield

I hope to be there on the 20th(friday) might stay for the weekend, depending on what else needs to get done that weekend. All this assuming i get my new control arms in by then. DW has set in on my ZJ, control arm bushings are shot!
I might come up if no jobs get in the way
I'll be there. Blue Rubicon with black halftop. More than likely be running around with the zuki crowd as usual
I'll be camping at Arrowhead.

Man, I wish I'd known it was Zuwharrie Weekend..............................

Looks like night runs for us to get away from the Traffic....

We are one of the first sites, wave as you go by..........!

night runs seems to be what most are doing..

personally I will be on wolf den/dutch john... what fool would wheel that at night? seriously.. stay off it.. I need the sleep :D
Those are the best at night, what you talkin' about?! :D
Well my campsite is one of the first ones in Arrowhead so I'll be getting hit by all the headlights! Im gonna have to formulate a plan to avoid all the traffic.... The zuki's are everywhere! :lol:

Craziness I tell ya...
Don't throw rocks at me when I go by ya campsite......... at midnight.........

Honestly, I hope it will be a smooth weekend.....
I'll be camping at Arrowhead.
Man, I wish I'd known it was Zuwharrie Weekend..............................
Looks like night runs for us to get away from the Traffic....
We are one of the first sites, wave as you go by..........!

Are Dave and all you MB boys coming up or just you? I'll swing by on my way through arrowhead at some point. I'll be in and out of there and group camp
So who is gonna be there during the day Friday???

I got my new control arms on, DW is gone, now I gotta break it again!
2 MB guys as far as I know, three out of towners (2 AKs).....

Dave Will be in Myrtle .... Web Wheeling.........
screw sleeping lauren. you are gonna be night wheeling with the rest of the group