URE Idiot

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Nov 3, 2006
Hey mods,
What happened to the URE 17-19 thread in past events. Are you guys giving the idiot a pass by deleting the whole thread? I could see it possibly being moved but deleted, come on? I think the responsible folks on here, including myself, were completely in the right to call this person out for endangering us and our sport by acting like and idiot. I, as well as several others would like to know whats up here.
This one?

Link removed
Nope, the one that was apparently deleted was around two pages long last I looked and was originally moved from "Upcoming Events". The link above was just started on Sunday.
It wasn't me but was a good call... it went from bad to ugly and nothing that needs to be "promoted" where it can be googled.

Gonna lock this thread down so we can let this topic die...

If he comes on here / reads this, just understand we all want to promote TREAD LIGHTLY as a concept.

If/when I see someone on the trail with a beer can in hand, personally I will take a picture of them / the beer / and their tag and hand it to the USFS.

Same goes for anyone causing damage to the trail system, using illegal bypasses, etc.

We have had this flamewar before, and we have been told by USFS that if we will give them the information they will enforce the rules and regulations.

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