Welcome to the 2 newest members!!!


Dum Spiro Spero
Apr 16, 2005
Sharon, SC
Caroline Kilnger 5lb 5oz 18"
Olivia Klinger 4lb 6oz 17.5"

Born today at 1:45

Mom and the girls doing well!!!

Congrats Rob and Bri!
Congrats, glad everyone is well.
i never get any rest!

Thanks all!

Twin girls are doing well. Mom is doing well.

C-section is easy on the front end but recovery is longer. So, we will be at the hospital for the next 4 days or so while Bri recovers.

Pics to come! They are beautiful little girls!!!
glad all went well. Congrats!
Congrats buddy. Go buy a shotgun, a nice double since you got doubles.
As an identical twin I can say, your in for a fun ride !!!!

I had heard that, but forgotten about it. My wife is also an identacle twin.

When we all get together, I 'll turn off the lights and Say'' lets play the guess who game''. They never wanna play:confused:
When we all get together, I 'll turn off the lights and Say'' lets play the guess who game''. They never wanna play:confused:

I can see why, it's pretty easy for them to tell which one is you. :lol: