Welding on compressor tank


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
York, SC
Got a used 3 gallon compressor tank from a guy on Ebay. It needs to have several ports added to it so I can use it on my OBA system. What would be the best/easiest way to do this. I was thinking just get some pipe couplers the right thread size then drill a hole in the tank at the desired location and weld it in good. What ya'll think?
When I did my OBA I just placed a 8-1 manifold in front of the tank and tied the tank into one of the 8legs.

Not as trick, but damn sure easier.
When I did my OBA I just placed a 8-1 manifold in front of the tank and tied the tank into one of the 8legs.
Not as trick, but damn sure easier.

This is actually a replacement tank for my system. The one I have now I had installed a oneway check valve to keep pressure from pushing back against my York compressor. With your setup, do you have a check valve, and if so, how did you incorporate it with the manifold? Thanks.
put the check valve on the end of the line comming off the compressor before you tie it into the manifold. That would be the simplest way if not the only way
The one on my old tank actually screws into a port welded into the tank. The incoming airline from the compressor then connects to it via a barbed fitting. The port is probably 1/2" to 3/4" thread though. Pretty big compared to the normal air ports. I'll look closer tonight when I get home from work. Thanks for the input.
same basic thing stated.
my check valve is oversized, I just adapted it down.