What kind of invasive grass is this?


Knower of useless ZJ things
Sep 24, 2008


So every year in late June this grass pops up and takes over my yard. What is it and what can I do to get rid of it?
I'm probably not remembering correctly, but is crabgrass an annual? I kill ours with generic Roundup, and it seems to die every year in the fall anyway.
I have that all over. Old neighborhood, bird droppings, roadwork, etc is what made my yard a wreck. Highway grass sucks worse than anything. I don't think that's crabgrass though. It's usually very thick and short.
Hard to tell, if it isn't crabgrass then it may be bermudagrass.
If so - that stuff is super crazy invasive and difficult to kill. Runs like a carpet w/ long light horizontal runners and the "grass" stems off. It will grow straight across a driveway if you let it.
In the falls it turns brown and goes dormant but doesn't die, just comes back again w/ a vengeance in the spring.
We had it at our place in Lewisville and it invaded every flower bed
We have Bermuda and crabgrass, and they both grow rhizomes (the runners that go everywhere). The Bermuda is worse, and harder to kill.
24d won't kill it but the crabgrass control stuff should. Its a perennial type of grass, called something like rough crabgrass. I don't have my chart witrh me or I could tell you exactly what its called.
it's called "pain in the ass grass" I battle this shit all year in my herb garden.
Down here in La. they call it centipede grass. Shit sucks and is almost impossible to get rid of cause as it "slithers" away from the main root base it drops new roots. All of them have to be pulled or it just becomes the new base of operations. I have up and just mow it.