what to do with the removable faceplate?


Aug 27, 2005
Where do you put yhe faceplate when you leef the Jeep with the top off. I know this sounds like a stupid question, but I just got the radio.
I locked mine in my center console, when I had a radio. I also had a cheap radio, that way I wasn't out anything when it got ripped off.
ditto. and I park in a place that people see it / walk by it alot. I learned even if you park in the open where everyone can see it, they will still break in, you have to park where a lot of people walk by it
It's too big/bulkey for my pocket. I just may lock it in the center consol. I was hoping to hear about a little nook/craney to slip the faceplate into.


Any more replies are welcome
as long as you aint got major rust/mud/dirt/water/toxic waste/etc under your carpet, pull back a corner up behind your clutch pedal

i used to have room up under the dash, right below the steering column in my XJ, like a little shelf