When I log in, I can only view...

Try giving a different email address then a yahoo one so you can reply to the confirmation email. BTW, Please goes a lot farther then WTF. :D
sorry man, it wasn't a derogatory "WTF", just out of frustration! cool, i'll set it up with a different email, didn't know i couldn't do it with a yahoo addy.

i've been lurking here for awhile and just haven't signed up yet. i usually hang out over on pirate4x4.com
No worries dude, but it's all over the board woes, several others have had issues also.
I don't have a yahoo email address and it still will only let me see this board woes t]hread.
I've had the board re-send your activation email. Check your spam folder/filter and make sure it's not being filtered out please.