where can i buy a 10mm brake fitting plug?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
rockwell, NC
my local napa and my local truck parts store dosent carry them. i need a male flare fitting plug, i think its 10mm, its for a yoter. somewhere close to salisbury would be great, or i could order it. thanks
A toy d-shaft bolt is what I use. The only bolt on the whole truck that is the same thread, used them for years for trail repairs. They are even concave on the end and sill fine. Hope that helps.:beer:

I can grab a fitting from Bradley's down the street from my shop on Friday if you can't find one. I could also send it to you via the post office so you would have it Saturday.
thanks for that drive shaft bolt info, that could be great to know out on the trail. i think ima try to get the fitting for it though.

carolinatruggies, i might let you pick me up two of those plugs if you dont mind. just let me know the cost of them and what you figure postage will be. pm me your paypal info, or however you want me to pay. i'll throw in a couple of extra bones for your trouble. thanks, i really appreciate it.