Where to rent pressure washer in GSO/WS area?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
San Diego, CA
So I've decided to strip down my axle myself instead of having it sandblasted or whatever but I'm having trouble getting all the mud, grease, and dirt out from inside the axle tubes. All the seals have been pulled, its just a matter of getting all the gunk out. I suppose a pressure washer would work well, but is there somewhere nearby that rents them out? I've never had a need for one so I have no idea. thanks.
Try this idea. Just about any self carwash will have pressure washers built in. You rent them by how much time you want to buy. Usually about $1.25 will get ya 4-5 minutes of wash time. They even have soap, rinse and other choices all built in. Pretty neat little places to use a pressure washer for cheap. Only draw back is you must take the item there. Just drive around town a look for something with alot of wet bays large enough for a vehicle to pull in and that's your ticket.

J(always helpful)B :)
I've been kicked out of the self-service wash near Battleground and Holden. Owner/manager drove by and saw us hosing our mud off and said we werent welcome there :flipoff2:
I have a pressure washer you are welcome to use. I dunno if it would be worth it to drive to my house as opposed to going to a coin wash though.
bad thing about car washes are they dont have much pressure compared to a pressure washer
77jeepcj said:
bad thing about car washes are they dont have much pressure compared to a pressure washer

yea exactly, if it won't take a smudge of bird skat off my windshield, hows it gonna dislodge all the gunk in my axle? Joel I might take you up on that offer.
Exploderpilot said:
I got a 12000 psi honda powered one at my house here in winston you can use if you wanna stop by some weekend. Live right off jonestown rd.

12,000 PSI? Am I seeing that right?
Exploderpilot said:
I got a 12000 psi honda powered one at my house here in winston you can use if you wanna stop by some weekend. Live right off jonestown rd.

Can you cut mild steel with that ??? 12K is ALOT of pressure. Better use 2 hands to hold on. Got to be an industrial unit.


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