The fee is per person, per day. I think it may have gone up. I grew up in Oak Ridge, TN, 5 min from the property. Takes me 5.5 hours from Greensboro, NC.
It is old coal mining property so in that respect it is a lot like Black Mountain OHV or Callalantee. Lots of roads/trails that are passable in a stock 4wd vehicle. I've driven stock 2wd vehicles to the top of the mountain before. Beautiful views, large wind power plant with huge windmills. Just like Black Mountain OHV or Callalantee there are numerous good obstacles that will break your rig in a heartbeat and many that take a purpose built rig to do. Trail wise, it is definately worth the trip and is one of the must see 4x4 venues in the South eventhough it is a little pricey if you take the family.