Your tax dollars at work! :D
Freaking killjoy.. a technology teacher should have embraced the plate!

Hell, for that matter, why did a technology teacher need their grandchild to explain it to them?? What are they teaching, COBOL?
hahahaha make sure in that article to click on the 20 Internet Acronyms Parents Should Know.


I have no idea who the hell types stuff like some of these. Hell Im only 20 years old, but besides the occasional "lol" I never use any of that other garbage.
scroll down in the lower right, under videos...obviously whoever typed up their webpage isnt too savvy with the texting lingo
[COLOR="Red"]'WFT' [/COLOR]License Plate To Be Replaced For Free
they wouldn't have gotten it...until an intern mentioned it
that 20 list has got to be a joke. TOYP? whaaaaaa?

if that was true and I saw my kid typing that crap, I'd probably laugh at them and then go make them dig a ditch for not learning how to spell.
um, this is incrroect.
we ALL KNOW that "POS" stands for Piece of $hit.... that one gets used here a lot, lol. Oh damn there I go...
Oh, and "IWSN"....
does that actually work????

send it to your wife and see what she says :)
Damn, can I have one of the ones they turn in?
Had a friend's mom in high school that had the ERECT1. The state sent them a letter saying the had to change there tag. Her dad was on the Erect fire department and they sent a letter back with pictures of the firetruck and asked them to change the name of the town and they would change there tag. The state sent back a letter saying they could keep there tag.
I have no idea who the hell types stuff like some of these. Hell Im only 20 years old, but besides the occasional "lol" I never use any of that other garbage.

same here, the only acronyms i use i picked up on pirate or jeepin. it was news to me that POS meant parents over shoulder, i thought it was piece of :poop: too. lol
wbcarver had a hell of a time getting one with his shop name on it 44MAGNUM. It's not vulgar, it's not profane, but it was almost an act of congress to get it. GO FIGURE!