ya i believe there is a time and place for a mini spool, i don't think the 8.8 is one of them. Lockrights are not as hard on a case as a mini spool. because they release, typically a crosspin rips through the case after it wallows out the case holes. once they get loose they get more leverage, break the retaining pin it slides out and then it goes bang. since a lockright releases it does not put constant pressure on the case and pin. constant stress and fatigue usually causes faiulure not one big bang incident. I sell alot of lockright and this would not be a bad application for one. I think a mini spooll on the street puts alot of constnat stress on the pin and case. I never recomended an ARB although yes it is the best, but its not in the budget i realize budgets. But when a case, crosspin fails, and takes out everything inside the diff the budget goes out the window pretty quick. Sometimes the cheapest option ends up being the most expensive. Im not arguing just offering opinions but opinions are like armpits everyone has a couple and they all stink including mine.