XJ CB install


New Member
Nov 18, 2005
Holly Springs, NC
Hey guys, so i got my new CB and installed it today. took about 20 minutes, but i think it looks good.

This is the completed project.

The weather stripping made running the antanae coax nice and easy.

I just used a cheapo midland magnet mount, and it seems to work pretty well.

Here is the newbie part though... the instructions say the easiest way to power the cb is to run it to the fuse box. i didn't understand how to connect it to the fuse box, so i ran it directly to the battery, which is fine, but i feel stupid, b/c i bet it was a lot easier to connect it to the fuse post if i knew how to.

they just say that so you are using key on power, instead of being able to leave it on and drain your battery.

how much was it? i got a similar radio shack one for maybe $40 but it looks like yours has more features.
Well, running directly to the battery "could" cause some radio interference/alternator whine etc, just a fyi.

As for running to the fuse box...what I "think" you are supposed to do is unscrew the box and look BEHIND it for the wires coming in/out.

Find the specific fuse you are going to use as power, for instance if your stereo has 15v fuse. Another one used often is the fuse powering the cig lighters.

Then you pull the OUT wire, or splice into in neatly, soldering your power wire for the CB. Again, this is on the OUT wire, so if the fuse blows, you lose power. (I have to admit I not an expert here, modern fuse boxes may not have both an in/out wire for each fuse...)

Another method that I personally have used/more redneckish is to simply PULL the fuse after determing which is the OUT side. Stuffing the HOT wire from the CB in that side and reinserting the fuse. Fuse will NOT go in as easily (snug), but will supply the needed power.

Ok...so there is my .02, there are "right" ways to do this, hopefully someone will jump in with pictures of the back of a modern fuse block?

Another hint for your CB, the BEST reception for the mag mount will be "dead center" of the roof.

I usually find a fuse that is switched with the ignition and just pull the fuse, stick the wire in the slot and replace the fuse.
Put it on the hot side of the fuse if the cb has an inline fuse.
The Beast said:
I usually find a fuse that is switched with the ignition and just pull the fuse, stick the wire in the slot and replace the fuse.
Put it on the hot side of the fuse if the cb has an inline fuse.
Wait until that comes loose on the trail. The guy that owned my wife's XJ did that, before we bought it. Sucker cut in and out on the trail all the time until I rewired it correctly.
hey all, thanks for the input. i was actually going to just stick the wire into a fuse like you suggested, but i thought it would be better to wire to the battery. This model is actually the basic midland, and i got it off of amazon.com for get this 26$ with free shipping. pretty good deal huh?
Well, running directly to the battery "could" cause some radio interference/alternator whine etc, just a fyi.

Actually direct to the battery will give less noise because you have a dedicated Circuit and you do not have to worry about weird noise signals from other things in the car. Try to keep the wires away from other wires and if you twist the 12v and ground wires together it will also help with the noise.
Leaving directly to the battery will drain it over time, even if you turn it off. Most cb's off isn't really off.
Don't forget to tune your antenna. You'll have to find someone with an SWR meter, or go to radio shack and buy one. It should come with instructions on how to do it. (Tuning the antenna is done so you get the best reception/transmission possible and keeps you from burning up the CB.) 10-4?

When you say directly to the battery, did you put a fuse on it? I would say do that at the least. The idea of putting a fuse close to the battery is if for some reason the cable gets pinched (cut, rubbed, etc) it will pop the fuse before it becomes a short to your frame. This can have very bad results such as a fire, battery exploding, electrocution, etc.

You can also run a small switch on that power feed and mount it next to the cb instead of using the CB's power switch. This way you can turn it off completely and it won't drain the battery.

Since you ran the wire to the battery (after you stick a fuse to it) you could split the feed and install another power socket or something if you feel that will be helpful.

Without pulling the fuse box and wiring up and unused spot, I have seen adapters specifically for tapping off from a fuse. Easier than jamming the wire down in there. If you do try to jam in bare wire make sure the little strands don't stray to other circuits. Actually this would be much better than a tap (but buy a few spares). http://www.accessafuse.com/ Wish I would have seen those before.

The pic of the antenna wire looks like it will be pinched and fatigued by the door over time. Personally, I would be temped to drill a hole in the floorpan and run the wire through a rubber grommet. Seal it off with a little silicone and then you could run it where you like pretty easy. I've always kinda wanted one of those big whips with a tennis ball on it :)
actually, the antannae isn't distressed, at least as long is it stays where it is told to... other than than, the power wire has a built in fuse in the line, so it is already fused up in case of a surge or whatever. as for drilling a hole, that is a possibility, but i would rather get a whip mounted on the rear bumper and get used to the CB a little before i drill. but it is in the cards!
I have a good SWR meter. where is Morrisville, NC. I am in charlotte. If you can get here I can set the SWR for you.
gephelps said:
This can have very bad results such as a fire, battery exploding, electrocution, etc.

ELECTROCUTION!!!!!!!! With 12 volt I think not!!! Burn you rig to to the ground yes. and half the mt, with you. I almost did it! thank god for the firexstingwisher (SP)..
hey stump! thanks for the offer, morrisville is right outside of Raleigh, so i am about 2hrs away from charlotte. but i am going to the DPG meet and greet on 1/14, so i am looking forward to meeting all of you. if you are going to the DPG, maybe you can help me out then.