xrra vid

is all this from one event? i need to start making it a priority to make it to some rockracing events to spectate.
Yeah, that's from the nationals last weekend.

It was in CO Springs, so you get a pass on missing that one. The ECORS thing is only a couple weeks away, though... and it's in Callalantee.
is all this from one event? i need to start making it a priority to make it to some rockracing events to spectate.
I do believe all that took place at one event.

And yes, If you haven't been to a rock race or even haven't been to one in a couple years, you need to make the trip when we're on the east coast (or west even) and check it out. There's alot more action happening now than even last years east coast races.
That track looks a bit rowdyer than the one at Jellico......
I do believe all that took place at one event.
And yes, If you haven't been to a rock race or even haven't been to one in a couple years, you need to make the trip when we're on the east coast (or west even) and check it out. There's alot more action happening now than even last years east coast races.

Where you you in that?