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Incorrect.  The ABS one is actually simpler and has less ports.

Non-ABS Prop valve has 5 ports, 2 inlets (on top) from the master cylinder, and 3 outlets (on bottom).  The front one is for the rear line that runs along the frame and then tees at the rear axle.  The bottom rear outlet on the prop valve is to the passenger front caliper, and the rear outlet is for the driver front caliper.

ABS Prop valve has 4 ports, 2 inlets (on top) from the master cylinder, and 2 outlets (on bottom) feeding the ABS contraption.  One for the fronts, one for the rears. The split for the fronts occurs in the ABS contraption, and it has 3 lines coming out (1 rear, and 1 for each front).
