YJ project ideas


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2006
Aliso Viejo, CA
hey guys, for those of you that have seen that burned up yj for sale here, well, thats going to be my next project. it will be running full width 44 and 9" axles and either have a 429 v8 or maybe just an inline 6 i've got lying around. What i'm having a hard time with is deciding if i should dovetail the rear end. has any of you guys done this and how did it turn out? any one have any pointers for this or is it just fly by the seat of your pants engineering?
as everyone knows if your looking for good how to's then go to pirate.
it depends on what your trying to do.
if you dove tail it you can't have any top unless its custom made.
just look at other jeeps and see what you like with the dove tail or just comp cut. poison spyder makes custom body armor comp cut and i like the way that looks.
i think the 429 would be kick ass in a jeep.
just think of what you want and start doing it and show us what ya did.

thanks, i'll check pirate for some pics. as far as a top goes, i don't need on to fit. who needs a top? its a jeep:shaking: i'm thinking the 429 will work ok i just will have to find a trany and x-fer case to go to it unless advanced adapters makes a plate to add a x-fer case to my existing tranny. I will let everyone see how it turns out. wish me luck.
it's called a comp cut... doing so allows you to extend your wheelbase by moving your rear axle farther back.... which i would highly suggest on any wrangler or cj....


if you are going to put a 429 in it i'd suggest finding a more suitable transfer case than the np231.... the 231 might work ok... but i doubt it woudl last and be problem free....
man. personally, (and i'm gonna get a lot of abuse for this statement.:lol: ) I think comp cutting is really ugly!
I've seen some cuts that extend the b but leave a little fender area down into the back corner of the tub.
If youre not worried about a full top, dove tail it and leave a fender area. (you can still run a half top (hard or soft!)
here's a pic of the dove on mine (tub is narrowed 13" too)

search for pics of the new currie ent tj. It has the rear fenders cut out but not comp cut.
as far as running a 231, i wouldn't even think of doing that. i have a 242 that i thought i'd use if i can mate it to my tranny some how.
35xj, i love how yours looks. did you have to narrow the frame any or just the tub? and how did you get the sheetmetal in the rear corners to come out so nice. i have a feeling when i do mine they might kink or buckle.
its not as clean as it looks....yet!

the frame is full width to the back of the seats, then it narrowed as well.
the currie jeep i'm thinking of is called the strangler. Pirate search is down, but look for it for ideas.
did you have to narrow the frame in the rear or could it be done either way. the more i look at yours the more i think i might want to narrow mine too. maybe only about 6" or so.
the rear frame had to be narrowed to clear everything,although 6" it would not. Caution. It would be a LOT of work to narrow one, especially to only gain 6"
If it were me i'd copy the boatsides and maybe the dove. Its pretty damn small in that thing!
or do something creative and cut one up like this:shaking:

look up the scrangler from currie, its really cool, full width, full body, stretched WB on 40's.
what motor are you running, and how much room do you have for it once you narrowed the tub.