thanks, FYI im not tryin to upgrade, just fix a bad caliper with what i have layin around. so are the calipers the same, or different but they will fit? if they are different, can i use them on my stock 81 rotors?
That thread will confuse the piss out of ya. Simple, I've done lots of research on this one. To stay the same width use your 81 hubs and 80-81 lc rotors and your ifs calipers. The other thread will have you use ifs hubs and rotors and requires an expense spacer or mount your caliper(must dril and tap the caliper) to the outside of the ears, but widens your width.
yeah, im just lookin for the cheapest easy way out. my buddy down the road has some stright axle calipers so i'll prolly just get one from him, but i'll make you a good deal on my ifs stuff