NC4x4 Subscriptions

Membership at NC4x4 will always be free. For those interested in helping to keep the forum running, a yearly subscription of $5.50 comes with certain additional benefits. Subscribing Members are designated with an orange diamond "trail blaze" next to their names.
Subscription benefits include:
  • Upload unlimited photos and attachments directly to the forum.
  • Add a custom avatar image.
  • Add a custom user title.
  • An upgraded PM box to store a max. of 300 messages (from 60 for standard members).
  • An upgraded signature (more characters).
  • Add links to a signature (using 'url' BB code tags).
  • Add a profile picture.
  • Add photos to a photo album in user profile.
  • Access to the unmoderated "Garage" chat forum.*
  • Access to the unmoderated "Mad Mike's Bartertown" classified ad forum.*
  • Search the forum every 10 seconds (instead of 30 seconds for standard members).
* Access to the Garage and Bartertown is limited to users whose accounts are at least one month old.

You can subscribe online by going to Account Upgrades in your profile. Payments are processed by Paypal. You'll have the option to pay via credit card or using money from your Paypal account.

If you don't want to use Paypal, you can also send check or money orders to:

PO Box 25992
Raleigh, NC 27611

Include $5.50/yr for as many years as you'd like the subscription to run. Be sure to include a note with your username on the forums so that we know whose account to credit for the subscription.

Vendor Subscriptions

For members with a 4x4-related business, a Vendor subscription of $50 per year is required to advertise products or services. Vendors are designated with a yellow diamond "trail blaze" next to their names. Vendor Member accounts include all of the above upgrades plus the following:
  • Ability to add a banner ad to signature.
  • Ability to post in the Vendor Specials Forum.
  • Your business listed in the NC4x4 Vendor Index.
To become a Vendor, proof of a business license is required. Contact a Forum Administrator for more details. You can read more about the Vendor program in this thread.
  • Published
    Dec 29, 2014
  • Page views