Anyone into r/c planes?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Like I needed another hobby... But I got into r/c planes back in February/March. It may be more addictive than army trucks...

Already flying EDF's. I have flown the Hawk (all red) one with (but better without) a FPV camera in the cockpit. Haven't flown the Stinger yet. I pretty much get everything used so it doesn't hurt as bad if I crash.

If anyone wants to get started flying I have plenty of planes I'd sell haha.

Butch Pendergrass (pendergrass/holder plumbing) is HUUUGE [Trump voice] into them. The BIG ones too. He's a FB friend of mine. See if you can access his profile from mine. The boys would really enjoy going to one of his events
Butch Pendergrass (pendergrass/holder plumbing) is HUUUGE [Trump voice] into them. The BIG ones too. He's a FB friend of mine. See if you can access his profile from mine. The boys would really enjoy going to one of his events

I traded an old tmaxx that I bought with some other stuff, and a POS 2wd stadium truck for this 102" P51 that came with two engines. Basically $1k+ worth of plane (new price for everything would be over $2k) for what I had about $100 (if that) in...

Traded an electric Dauntless for the 91" Corsair. Haven't flown either of these two big ones yet. Corsair is a 95cc 2-stroke and the P-51 is a 100cc. I am going through both of them fully to get them flight worthy.

Sarge for scale on the p-51 haha

Im not...but these guys are adjacent to my hunting property, if you’re interested in a club. Impressive sight to see when they’re all out there during the summer.

TRIAD AEROMODELERS, INC | Academy of Model Aeronautics

Haha. Literally went down there and joined on Sunday afternoon. Had gone down to check it out on Saturday and only one guy was there. Very nice field. I have been flying at Hobby Park in W-S, but I wanted somewhere that there are no people riding across the field on bikes, walking their dog, etc. I will still go to hobby park as the paved runway is nice for the EDF's, but I wanted somewhere to take the big planes once I get them ready to fly.

Funny, when I was flying down at TriadAero on sunday afternoon I crashed my FPV plane (pic below) because I tried to go between that huge dead tree and the woods beside it. Lost radio signal because of the trees and it went down in the tall grass. Minor damage, it will fly again (pic below is from after the crash), I did take the camera off of it though. They mentioned that was a hunters land. Small world haha.

Yeah man...those gates and sheds on the gravel road over the railroad tracks on the way in are mine...from the tracks to your field, the woods on the right side of the gravel road are mine, and some of the left side of the road is too. Probably see some of my tractors and trailers up there too. Have a good relationship with those guys, when it’s nice out and they want to fly I’m not up there much, when it’s cold and I want to hunt they’re not there. And if you ever get the hankering for mud, that grass area off your field is flood plane, so after a good rain, I like to bring the Bronco up there to turn the field to plant soy beans...haha.
Yeah man...those gates and sheds on the gravel road over the railroad tracks on the way in are mine...from the tracks to your field, the woods on the right side of the gravel road are mine, and some of the left side of the road is too. Probably see some of my tractors and trailers up there too. Have a good relationship with those guys, when it’s nice out and they want to fly I’m not up there much, when it’s cold and I want to hunt they’re not there. And if you ever get the hankering for mud, that grass area off your field is flood plane, so after a good rain, I like to bring the Bronco up there to turn the field to plant soy beans...haha.

Well let me know if you ever get stuck. 6x6 and a couple 36lb winches are not too far away.
The p51 is a bear to land and keep from nosing over, and the Komet is a bear to take off because it is so short, the bad landing as seen in the picture was due to the grass being too tall and it did a flip on landing and ended up like that.

When people say warbirds are tough they ain't lying, but they sure do look good in the air.


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The targeted add for the last few days has been for horizon hobby.
How are the rc planes doing?

It's addicting :-D, but I have bought/sold a bunch, crashed some, and flown all sorts.

F-18 that had a ball link break on an elevator, made it uncontrollable, lucky me....

Got an F-14 as well, it is a handful to fly with the wings swept, but it is definitely cool looking.

Have had a f-22, mig-29, and various other jets. The SU-35 has thrust vectoring and is an awesome plane, will do flat spins like crazy.


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Yea I've got 3. I enjoy it, but don't have the place for them and as such have totaled 2/3.