Dude! Its the Nooooooge! Ted Nugent's Baja Jeep J10.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2008
As a kid in school, Ted Nugent along with a precious few others, single handedly fought Disco music to the death. You cant imagine how much we appriciated that! Country music was in the Urban Cowboy phase, and I choked on that too! Ted was, and is, the real deal. He raced Baja for about 10 years and also won the Long Beach Celebrity Race. He pummeled all the bubble gum, lip sync singers and the actors. I loved it!

Here is a little article on ESPN.http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=neumann-110715-ted-nugent-racing-hunting#

Along with some buggies, he ran a Jeep J10 owned and prepped by Roger and Rick Mears (also know for winning a few Indy 500's) Roger is the uncle of Casey Mears. This Jeep was pretty much the trophy truck of its day. I love those old J trucks! Check out the swanky Chevrolet chase truck with the skinny white walls and vortex rims. Ted still loves to wheel hard. His famous zebra striped Bronco recently went through a update and overhaul on the tv show Gears.

I thought he was always a Ford guy. The inside sleeve to the weekend warriors album had pics of his 1st bronco before the zebra stripped ones.......showing my age......

You know everyone (and you?) in Cabarrus County skated Frye's roller rink listening to some KC and Sunshine Band "I'm you boogie man", holding your sweethearts hand, your first crush. I was there, Murdoch, Icard, Stanley even George!
I did a worse things than skate to KC and the Sunshine Band to get some luving! Can you say Kenny G concert.:handed: I should have had my man card revoked on the spot! I wanted to scrub my brain clean with a wire brush about halfway through it. I still get a little queezy when I hear the first couple notes of a Kenny G song. I married the girl, she is a keeper, but we have a household rule about his music.
''I thought he was always a Ford guy''

I guess the 'Kenosha City Mad Man' (Jeep) didnt have as good of ring to it as the 'Motor City Mad Man' (Ford). Other than racing, I think he is a pretty hard core Ford guy.
The Mears Gang and Budwiser offered him the rides for good publicity. (CBS wide world of sports showed the race) Nuge ran the back up truck, which was still a 1st class ride. He had proven himself to be a finisher in the old school buggies, where the shocks are fragged after the first 100 miles and your guts are sore for a month after the race.
Yeah, I didn't know he'd raced Baja... that's awesome.
I would imagine you need to take the Noooge in small doses, he is slightly over the top!