10 bolt hubs


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2005
Does anyone have/know where I can get the 6 prong socket to remove the outer "nut" from a set of warn locking hubs. Need to get the rotors off to be turned, and just drove 20 minutes out to Napa to buy what one. Of course it turns out to be way to small. Tried to use the hammer and chisel method to spin it but with no success. Just can't seem to find one big enough anywhere.
"10 bolt" - as in 10 bolt Chevy solid front axle?

and "nut", as in the nut that holds the wheel bearings and rotor on, threads onto the spindle, that you can't get to until you pull the hub?

If this is what you're talking about, then it doesn't have anything to do with the type of hubs you have. All 73-91 GM 1/2-ton solid front axles (10-bolt and D44) have the same type of nut, as far as I know (have never seen a different one). The Jeep D44 solid front axle wagoneers have the same nut too. A regular auto parts store like Advance or Auto Zone should have this socket - that's where I got mine.

But maybe I'm talking about something different! :)
haha no that sounds like the little devil! Sorry for my inadequate description. I went to auto zone and left empty handed. The 6 prong socket I have is just to small to use on these warn's. The one I bought at Napa was also to small. So I figured maybe since it was a warn locking hub and not a stock locking hub, there was a special socket warn made. Maybe I'll go back to the store and see what I can find.:)
What parts are you removing before you try to get to the nut? The entire hub assembly should come out first, which should be the cap, then 2 snap rings, then the splined hub body as one piece. The nut doesn't have anything to do with the hubs, so that's why I'm asking.

Is the socket too small to fit over the nut, or is it hitting something else?

The socket I have only has 4 prongs on it (it only catches 4 of the 6 slots) - I either got it at Advance, Auto Zone, or Pep Boys. But it has been like 6-7 years since I bought it.
Ok, I pulled the cap. Then its the huge outer 6 prong nut that incloses the smaller gear for the locking hub. Inside of that is the snap ring that holds the axle shaft in. There is not a larger snap ring around the nut, like on my 60. So the only way it looks like this thing is coming out is to have that socket. Then behind all this (hub body) should be the locking nuts for the wheel bearing, then wheel bearing, then the rotor should come free. However I can't even get into this thing. I've been to 2 autozones, all they have is the 4 prong which is too small to even catch any of the 6. Napa has a 6 prong, but it's also to small. Haven't tried Pep Boys yet but with my luck they probably don't have it either. So yea, basically I'm just looking for a socket big enough to fit this sucker. The diameter of the 4 prong socket I have is 2 1/4", the 6 prong is 2 1/2", and the nut itself is right at 2 3/4".
Can you get a pic? You should *NOT* need a socket for this - it is not threaded in there. I was not talking about this part in my earlier posts - I was talking about the locking nuts for the wheel bearing and the socket I have for them.

There should be a snap ring around the axle shaft. There should also be a snap ring around the inside diameter of the brake rotor "snout" that holds this hub body in. This one is like just a piece of wire, and can be hard to see, and hard to get out. After removing it, you should be able to thread in two of the hub screws to help pull the hub body - it doesn't always just slide right out. Does that help?

If I can see a pic, I'm sure we can figure it out.
Yea that sounds possible, I screwed it all six of the cap screws and I can wiggle it around, but it won't come out which is what leaves me puzzled. Seems like I need to dig a little deeper and find that "wire." I'll see what I can do about a pic also. Thanks for all your help!
No problem! The "wire" snap ring should be just at the outer edge of that hub body, sitting in a groove in the rotor "snout". It will have a gap in it, and you need to get a small screwdriver or pick in that gap and behind the "wire" to make it pop out of the groove.
After spraying it down with cleaner, I finally found it in all the grease! At least I know where it is, now to just get it out!