10 bolt Vs 12 bolt


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2007
I am trying to see if swapping from a 10bolt axle to a 12 bolt (rear) would be worth it. Truck is running 35" tires, has a 350 in it. I use it to haul and play with in the mud, I am just waiting for that day I am tryin to pull someone out that the 10bolt just gives. So will it be worth it to swap in a 12 bolt?
Why not just put in a 14 bolt & forget about it?
If you can get it cheap, and the gear ratio is the same, then go for. Not too much work to swap. Otherwise, it might not be worth it. A 6-lug semi float 14 bolt should be a little stronger than the 12 bolt if you can find one of those.

A buddy of mine use to wheel 35's on a welded 12 bolt. It held up OK for a while to his abuse, and that included lots of rock crawling. He ended up breaking a shaft at Kodak rock one day, but it was a back up 15 ft and mat it situation. He ended up destroying the gears on another trip. He wheels hammer down though.

Just my 2 cents.
A 10b has a larger pinion bearing and slightly larger shaft diameter than a 12b it would actually be a minimal step down in strength.

14b are common as rain for <$200....yeah you may have 8 lug rears and 6 lug fronts but you wont break the 14b and then when ever you upgrade the front it will al be 8 lug
Thanks for all the feed back, i guess I will stay with the 10 bolt rear.

as for "upgrading the front" I dont see a SAS in this trucks future.