10AM Sunday on Spike - ECORS COVERAGE ON EXTREME 4x4


Dum Spiro Spero
Apr 16, 2005
Sharon, SC
Check it out DirecTv 241!
The 4x4 Nation this is up in the air.
Some stuff came up in Windrock that didnt not allow them to get enough footage, we are still talking stay tuned....
I just got home and since I DVR'd it I just got to see it! Cool deal! I was like here I know that guy,,,I know that guy......man I talked to that guy yesterday lol! Felt like I knew TV starts loL!
4x4 Nation is getting re-worked and re-worked, etc. it may be many months before they air a show. Till then, we have Xtreme 4x4 to enjoy! :D
Oh, and if anyone liked the coverage, send Ian and crew an email and let them know. They respond well to reader requests. They are currently shooting for 2013 (and some of 2012...), so hound them for more coverage and they will respond!
I usually watch the episodes off the website but this one won't work. Hope they get it fixed so I can watch it.

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Actually I am hearing that it is available to view online. I cant find it but a friend just emailed to say he watched it.
Just watched it. :beer:
Finally got to watch it last night. Some nice coverage.

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Just watched it online. Great episode. My brother in TN was talking about it and didn't realize it was the races we have started going to. Maybe I can talk him into coming to one of the TN races. HE asked me if the racers really helped each other. He thought it was pretty neat that it was such a close knit community.
Great segment guys!

Hey, can you really have 2011 buggy in your sig when its 2012 and you still have to make vroom vroom sounds with your mouth?
oh yeah
I will change that for you to 2019. :flipoff2:

Haters gonna Hate!