13th Annual Uwharrie Veterans Day Ride

I'm sure I was running around like an anxiety-ridden space cadet 🤣 But, looking forward to seeing you in a couple weeks

For an "I'm not a people person" you handled all the people very well though!

I want to thank everyone that attended this weekend and to the ones that helped make it such a great success. The total ammount raised came to $7450, this is still giving me chills. After paying the bills (trash, porta johns, veterans coins) I will be getting two cashier checks for the amount of $2907.50 for both Boulder Crest Foundation and Wreath For Veterans along with the check for $300 for the auction of the Wreath for Veterans blanket.

As the ones at the event know True Patriot Inc is be brought back alive here in NC and along with a great team we will work to our best ability to continue this event well into the future.

Thank you to the new TPI team,
@jeepin' jen ,@tobaccoroad4wd and wife Ashley,@Mrxdieselx and wife Ashley, Mike Heath, @csanderlin ,Dalton Bailey.
After recalculation (forgot to deduct check for Wreath for Veterans) and getting another donation here are the checks that will be presented to the charities.

What an awesome way to show the support for those who support our nations veterans and heros.