14 bolt carrier info


Mar 20, 2005
Louisburg NC
I had seen a few questions on this lately, had all of these sitting around and decided to snap a few pictures

This is a GovLock carrier

Another veiw, note there are no "windows" to see inside it

This is an open carrier, you can see the spider gears through the "window" in the side of the carrier

Carrier split in half to show how the spider gears sit inside

What the spiders inside look like when dissasembled, note there are 4 cross pins, the gov lock only has 3

This is a carrier with a detroit installed, notice the spring from the detroit can be seen through the "window" in the side of the carrier


this is what the detroit looks like removed from the carrier

Another shot of the detroit

And a shot of what half of an empty carrier looks like

A 14 bolt detroit is nothing but a large lunch box locker for the 14 bolt, it is the only axle other than a rockwell that I know of that the detroit is not a full carrier replacement. The detroit can only be installed into an open 14 bolt carrier, the gov-lock carrier is usless for anything other than a street driven truck since it cannot have a detroit put in it or easily welded up.
Doesn't work.
Cardomain sucks taint as a web host, that's why.. Probably doesn't allow hotlinking.
Rich said:
Cardomain sucks taint as a web host, that's why.. Probably doesn't allow hotlinking.

They usually do, but thats beside the point, need to get up with Rob sometime so I can make a donation to host the pics here directly....now back to the thread
Thank you for posting those. Never needed to worked on a 14b before and a picture is worth a thousand words.
