14bolt vs 9.5" - 14bolt question


Master Velocipede Alchemist
Mar 20, 2005
Setting up rear steer. Some parts in hand, some parts yet to be found

My plan is:
-14bolt (FF)
-D60 innerCs/KP knuckles
-40" rubber

My current situation:
-D60 innerCs in hand, still have f'd partial tube sticking out
-KP knuckles cleaned up/prepped/ready to go
-9.5" 14bolt sitting in the shop
-I HAVE read through most of BillVistas 14bolt guide

-Will there be an fitment issue with d60 innerCs on the 9.5" 14 bolt tube?
-Does the full float make such a big difference that the 9.5" would not be worth the effort?
-If i stay with the current donor axle, is everyone going to make fun of me for not having a true full float 14b?
-If the Cs won't fit, the full float is the only way to go, and/or everyone is going to make fun of me, who wants this 9.5" 14 bolt?
The 9.5 is a fairly strong axle but being that 10.5 14 bolts are common and cheap and just find one of those. Plus there are companies that make shafts for the 60/10.5 hybrid axle already. The 60/9.5 hybrid shafts would probably cost a fair amount more.
I run a 9.5 gm under my yj buggy w/5:13 yukons and a welded gov lock and I've beat the pure hell out of it and it ain't broke yet ,that being said theres not many items on the market for that axle such as disc brake kits and heavy duty diff covers . I had to fab a cover and still haven't tackled the brake swap .Looking back on it now i wish I'd have went with a F.F.14 just because parts are readily available ! If i were going rear steer i would trash the 9.5 and go big ...just my 2¢
The 10.5 diff is definitely stronger and easier/cheaper to find parts for. This sounds like a badass axle build. Only thing that would make it cooler would be rear steer with portals!

You can definitely have the holes in the inner C opened up to slide over the 14ff tubes. I don't think that'd be a problem. If it is, you can buy Reid Cs with a 3.125 or 3.5" bore.
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steering axles are, by definition full float. the difference you are after is the 9.5" vs 10.5" ring gears. the 10.5 is a much stronger setup, with the third pinion bearing, and has much more aftermarket, gears and traction device wise. finding shafts to fit the 9.5 center would also be a concern i would investigate before starting down this road.
I would just do a 10.5" 14-bolt. How are you planning on sealing the shafts? 9.5" axles have the shafts at the outer wheel bearings, and no one makes a way to seal them at the diff housing. On the contrary, Crane sells a kit to add the seals to a 10.5" housing and as mentioned above shafts are already being made to combine with 60 outers. Check out their Revolution 14 seal system.