1995 Cherokee 4.0 crank but no start issue


New Member
Dec 22, 2023
Williston ND
I have a 95 xj, gf killed the battery 6 weeks ago by leaving the lights on. I came home after work that day and tried to jump start it with our Toyota highlander. Hooked the jumper cables up to my Jeep battery, and hooked up the cables to the highlander but the battery post felts were on the wrong posts so I hooked up the cables reverse, she tries to start the Jeep no power then I noticed cables were smoking at the clamps on both ends so I removed the cables. Got a pair of jumper cables from my dad hooked them up right to both vehicles proceeded to jumpstart the Jeep. It Would just turnover perfectly fine, but no start. I didn’t notice I had two blown 60 amp fuses in my power distribution box under the hood, for the ALT #1, and ALT #2 fuse. So I replaced those 2 60amp fuses along with the fuel pump relay, auto shutdown relay and starter relay and still no start. The fuel pump is not turning on and it’s getting no spark. But when I use a paper clip and jumper the fuel pump relay slots on the power distribution box the fuel pump turns on and primes the fuel rail. Also I’m not getting any spark to the coil and the plugs. Any idea what my problem could be ? I can’t seem to find any online fuses for the ASD relay and can’t find any other fuel pump related fuses. Much help would be greatly appreciated thanks
Check every single fuse you can find, next check every ground wire strap etc, on block is tight and clean. Then go to crank position sensor and test it. See if this gets it going.
x2 check all fuses in the PDB and grounds. IIRC there is a 40 amp that will kill the FP and spark.
Check for a fusible link and make sure that is good.
Check every single fuse you can find, next check every ground wire strap etc, on block is tight and clean. Then go to crank position sensor and test it. See if this gets it going.
I’ve already checked all the fuses, and relays, replaced the 2 60amp alt1 & alt2 fuses and replaced the fuel pump relay, starter relay, & ASD relay ald put in a new crank sensor, pick up coil, map sensor, cap and ignition coil amd nothing still. Cranks but no start, no fuel or work still.
Check every single fuse you can find, next check every ground wire strap etc, on block is tight and clean. Then go to crank position sensor and test it. See if this gets it going.


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Ended up getting mine at Oreilly's- tried one of the online refurbers - waited 2 weeks and still had not shipped.

Good Luck
Check every single fuse you can find, next check every ground wire strap etc, on block is tight and clean. Then go to crank position sensor and test it. See if this gets it going.
You think after I reversed polarity the jumper cables it could affect the ground straps ? It started up perfectly fine very strong before I fuckedd it up lol I’m thinking it’s ecu related or wiring burnt some where
On a recent episode of Bleepinjeep, Colt had good success with Wrangler Fix, His was a new model Jeep, but from what he said, they can fix all Jeeps, and others as well.
The link on his Video was Wranglerfix.com for your ECU needs and don't forget the discount code "BR549" His Contact was "Mark"
Hope this helps as it does appear you fried your ECU for sure. Not sure if other things could have been damaged too, I'd check all grounds, and the smaller grounds too. In my experience the grounds are the ones to melt down, not the positives,but the do get hot, which appears to be what happened to yours. It doesn't take my heat to melt solder.