...and.... how does it attach?
I'm kind of failing to see the point.
If you are to the point of needing that much protection - what are you protecting it from? So it will still look pretty? I've never understood why people add a whole bunch of metal etc, covering up fenders to "protect them", only to now have that "nice" part not visible in the first place. That's like if you wife is hot, making her wear a veil and giant clothes all the the time so she'll be protected from teh sun and still have nice skin... but then who would know??
if it's for reinforcement - why not add it to the inside, you can get into there just as easily by removingteh interior panels, then you have the beefy still and nice looking too?
Eitehr way it looks odd on that trck w/stock bumpers and westin tube "sliders"
That said...both of my fenders are damaged there....