1ton Jeep Trailer help!


Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
im not sure if this is the right place for this thread to be but I just got my 1ton Cherokee back on the road and almost wheelable and i need a trailer for it so i can Haul it to URE and such. My jeep has full width axles and 40in tires so i need it as wide as can be. I would like to know of any good crawler trailers and where to buy them from. any feedback is helpful. thanks.
here is a picture for those of you want to get an idea of how wide it is.
you should fit on most trailers i have a yota on tons with 40's with a dullie d60 front and three inch spacers in the rear a little tight between the finders but it fits and pulls just fine
my trailer is a 16ft kaufman think is 7ft wide



If you hang over the sides pretty bad then get some tube or square tube and make some extenders for your tires to sit on. You're also gonna need a trailer with removable or really stout fenders since you'll be driving over them.
ok thanks. where is a good place to find used trailers?