2 Piece front drive shaft?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2010
Stillwater, MN
I need a 2 piece front drive shaft in my new buggy and I'm looking for some good ideas. I spent most of last night searching pirate and there was just a lot of arguing on a pillow block vs a fancy 2k setup. Since I dropped my entire budget on a new Atlas, I'm left trying to get this done with value in mind.

I don't race, hill kill, or really go over 30-40mph, just crawl unless it's necessary to throttle down. Just trail ride the usual places around the south east.

What are you guys using that works well and don't have replace every season?
i buy all my DS parts from http://www.northerndrivetrain.com/ and build all my own shafts. if you have or have access to a lathe, that really helps too b/c you can run thicker tubing.

i run a two piece front in my buggy. i used this pillow block http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-SUCSP210-...856?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item41472aba98 i'd suggest it over a normal cast for sure. buddy of mine broke probably 3 cast pillow blocks before he switched to a setup like the m&m fab deal. i ran no slip in the mid shaft with my d300 for over a year with no issues but when i put my atlas in i added a slip joint just to be safe. i don't think the no slip would have ever given me a problem, but the midshaft needed to modified and i decided to change it.