StevenK4x4 said:
........WD-40 sprayed into the intake got me going though.
I'd be a little judicious about using that to start your truck, at least recommending it to others as a quick fix.
It don't take much to make a run away, and it don't have to run away long to make confetti of the engine internals.
Been on the repair end of "using WD-40 to get'er goin' " as well as other methods, gets expnsive quick.
Starting fluid, gas on a rag over the intake, WD-40, carb cleaner, raw diesel in the intake, any un-metered fuel source (even engine oil from a blown turbo seal) is a bad thing, especially when there is a big air source to mix it with along the way (intercooler,turbo) it don't take much.
Not being able to shut a reving engine down at will is a BAD BAD feeling !!
That being said, 'tis the season for glow plug, grid heater relays to puke, now they they are in need.
anything with OBD2 diagnostics "should" pop a SES light if the glow plugs are not operating as these are emissions related items, ( which should also be covered under 8yr/80k emissions warranties same as converters, don't let them BS you)
being this is the first really "cold" start of the season, wait and see if it is a recurring issue, could be the 'puter had to make a few adjustments for the cold and it took a few seconds longer than normal.